Sample Team Fundraising Letter: Family Team

Dear [Name],

I'm taking an amazing journey and I'd like you to support me. Thousands of women and men are going to walk 60 miles over the course of three days at the Susan G. Komen 3-Day® to raise money for breast cancer research and community programs.

I've formed [Team Name] in memory/support of [describe your personal connection to the cause]. [List team members] are going to join me on the event. Together, we hope to raise at least [$amount] for the cause.

I know you understand why this is so important to me and understand why I'm asking for your financial support. The walking is easy for me. Asking for dollars is not. But if we are ever going to find answers to incredibly difficult problems like breast cancer, I know I have to ask. Please take a moment to fill out the enclosed donation form and mail it in to the address printed on the form. Or go online to and select Donate to search for my personal fundraising webpage. Donating online is safe, secure and quick.

Thank you for your concern and thank you for supporting my continuing journey.



P.S. Don't forget to ask your company if they provide matching gifts for your donation.