Participant Toolkit

We are so grateful you’ve registered for the Susan G. Komen 3-Day®. That means you’ve committed to make a huge impact in the fight against breast cancer through training and fundraising for months and walking 60 miles in one weekend.

You’ve signed up, you’re excited, but now what? We want to arm you with the tools and resources you need as you talk to your friends, family, donors and even local media outlets. As a participant, you are the grassroots and powerful advocate of the 3-Day. As you share your passion, you inspire others to get involved. We know that it’s hard to articulate the impact and experience of the 3-Day and that’s where we need your help. Below is a toolkit to help you spread the word about your story and encourage others to learn more about the 3-Day, and maybe even join our amazing family!

Problems downloading our tools? If you are using Google Chrome, right-click on the link and choose "save link as" to save the download on your computer. Or use a different browser.

Assets for sharing in social media

Facebook Images: Right-click each image and select "Save Image As" to download and save it to your computer for uploading to your social channels.


Match My Donation

3-Day_SocialToolkit_Facebook Phase 3_1.png

Instagram Images: Right-click each image and select "Save Image As" to download and save it to your computer for uploading to your social channels.

50% to fundraising goal

Can I count on you?

Going above and beyond

Help me reach my fundraising goal

It's not too late to donate

Videos: Click each image to download the video file and save it to your computer for uploading to your social channels. (If using Google Chrome, you will need to right-click the image and select "Save Link As" to save the video file.)

Video 1
Video 2
Video 3