2024 San Diego 3-Day

Why We Walk

The 3-Day heals me in a way that no medicine could, every time I walk. I walk because for 3 days I can escape the cancer that has followed me for 20 years. For 3 days I am surrounded by people like me. People with similar scars to me, similar nightmares to me. Its a place where I dont feel different. My 60 miles is a time for me to reflect and heal.

- Kristine D.

Please note: Crew registration for the San Diego 3-Day will open to the public at 2:00 p.m. CT on December 6.

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Please note the age requirements before making a selection.
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Aim high! The funds you raise go to save and extend lives, and your support is needed now more than ever. $2,300.00
Would you like to make an additional donation along with your registration fee?