Please support me as I commit to an incredible challenge.
Why Do I Walk?
Let’s start from the beginning. Many ask me why I do these Breast Cancer walks and many assume my wife, Linda had Breast Cancer. Nope! Linda is a Hodgkin's Lymphoma survivor and is the strongest woman I know. When Linda was going through her treatments I felt totally helpless and just wanted to do something in the fight against cancer. I loved walking and when I saw a cancer walk for 3 Days/60 Miles, I said "this is for me". That was 2010, when I did my first walk. The first day of that walk I walked with my new team “Men With Heart". As many of you know I'm a fast walker and the 2nd day I just wanted to stretch my legs and walk "My Pace". I was a couple of miles from the finish of Day 2 and had just rounded a corner and saw a huge hill in front of me. At the bottom of that hill was a lady, who recently had her head shaven, sitting in a lawn chair. She was holding a sign that said "Because you walk, I am alive and my children still have their Mom". I went up to this lady and asked her if I could get a hug. She obliged. I walked up the rest of that hill crying like a baby. How could I not continue to walk. This year I will be doing my 24th and 25th walks. I walk because the fight continues. The truth is I can't do any of these walks without all of you. Please support my 2024 Breast Cancer Walks. Thank you! ❤❤
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